Information to know for the day of the symposium: Monday, April 24, 2023
What: The Data Mine Corporate Partners Symposium
When: Monday, April 24, 2023, 4:00 - 6:00 PM ET (doors open at 3:30 PM)
Where: Purdue Memorial Union - South Ballroom
Who: This event is open to the public so feel welcome to invite your friends. Primary attendees will be TDM students, TDM TAs, Corporate Partner Mentors, and guests.
All Corporate Partner students are required to attend for at least 30 minutes at their poster. Only approved absences (like a scheduled class the entire 4:00 - 6:00 PM session) will be excused with a makeup assignment to be posted by Tuesday 4/25 morning.
We encourage you to stay the entire time to visit the posters of your peers.
NDMN students not attending in person should plan to do the make up assignment or sign up for the NDMN virtual session.
Poster setup
Each team will have a table with a poster stand to display their poster. Teams only need to bring 1 copy of their poster (usually coordinated by the TA).
Teams are welcome to use the remaining table space for up to 1 laptop display, but there is no power access so make sure your device is charged. You cannot run electrical cords due to safety.
See map and roster below.

Staffing your poster
Each poster should have at least 2-3 team members present at all times. Teams should plan 30 minute shifts in advance of the symposium and all team members are required to attend the symposium for a minimum of their 30 minute shift.
When you aren’t staffing your own poster, we encourage you to visit the posters of your peers. The Data Mine students have conducted lots of exciting research. You might want to join one of these teams for next year.
Name tags
Students should enter through the South Ballroom door and pick up their pre-printed name tag. Name tags will be sorted by team name.
We will have a bag and coat check available for free, however, we encourage you to limit the number of articles you bring with you to reserve space. Do NOT leave bags, coats, or other items on the floor. It is a safety hazard.
Dress Code
Students should dress in business casual attire. General guidelines for business casual attire can be found here.
Each poster should have 2-3 team members present at all times. Teams should plan 30 minute shifts in advance of the symposium and all team members are required to attend the symposium for a minimum of their 30 minute shift.
We encourage you to establish roles within your team for the in-person poster session. Please discuss with your team members to establish roles. Everyone should be actively participating in the Q&A. Here are some potential roles:
Welcomer: Welcomes new people as they observe your poster (if not interrupting a discussion). If nobody is asking questions, this person can also be ready to give a short 1-2 minute “elevator pitch” about the project to motivate means for conversation.
Subcategory answerers/subject matter experts: Your team can decide who is best suited to answer certain types of questions. Decide on these categories and who should be in each one ahead of time. Consider these to be “subject matter experts” for specialties.
Think of questions for your guests! Hopefully you will have great conversation with many guests. Some will be Purdue faculty/staff/students. Some will be your Corporate Partners mentors or people from their companies. Some will be guests from other companies. If you have answered all of their questions, it’s ok to ask them questions about themselves, too.
Who are they?
Where do they work?
What do they do?
Why are they excited about data science?
What do they recommend for you to do to get ready have a career in data science?
Think of those extra questions for the speakers we have you write about in the Outside Event reflections. This could be a great opportunity for you to meet some really interesting people!
How can I prepare?
To prepare to interact with people, you might:
Prepare a brief (maybe two- or three-sentence) overview of your research. Having that ready will help you to break the ice with viewers. Keep this quick overview general and interesting—perhaps focus on why you were interested in this research, problem, or issue (e.g., “I was curious as to why…”).
Practice explaining your poster. Open your poster and have your friends stop by so you can get comfortable talking about your research.
Be sure to talk to the people who stop by your poster, and not to the poster! Talking at your poster or reading from your poster isn’t a great way to engage viewers.
Encourage people who stop by to provide feedback and/or submit their vote on the poster judging link.
Thank people who stop by to read your poster and talk with you.
Poster and Video Viewing after 4.24.23
Posters and videos will be available on this website on or near Monday April 24th, 2023.
Alternative Assignment for Symposium Attendance
This alternative assignment is only for students that have a University scheduled conflict (like a class or TA duties) during the full two hour window from 4:00 - 6:00 PM ET on Monday, April 24, 2023. If you have a different conflict, please provide approval of absence (i.e. an email or note).
When: Due Sunday, April 30 at 11:59 PM ET. Late work will not be accepted.
What: Download this file and answer the questions in complete sentences.
Where: submit to Gradescope as a PDF file. It is important to upload your document as a PDF. You will be deducted points if you submit any other file than a PDF.
National Data Mine Network: Students who were not able to be at the symposium in person, you have two options to receive credit for this alternative assignment:
1) Complete the assignment as directed with the deadline of Sunday, April 30th
2) Present your team’s poster in our NDMN Virtual Symposium on Tuesday, May 9th from 3-4pm EST. If you are interested in presenting, please email Jessica Jud at by Sunday, April 30th